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Google has recently announced an update for July 25, 2024. This may seem like a small thing, but it can spoil the reports of most of the websites for 4-5 months. Most of the Google Updates are beneficial for some SEO's, but others can have negative impacts as well. But this infinite and continuous scroll Google update has only had a negative impact on all types of websites, whether they are small or big. In this blog we discussed about

In this blog we are talking about the impact of "infinite and continuous scroll Removal Update" . We also understand the difference between Continuous Scroll and Infinite Scroll.

The Announcement and Initial Rollout

On June 25, 2024, Google announced the shutdown of infinite scroll for both mobile and desktop searches. This announcement marked a significant shift in how users would experience search results going forward.

Understanding Continuous vs. Infinite Scroll

Continuous scroll and infinite scroll work differently. Infinite scroll keeps loading new content as you scroll down, like social media feeds on Instagram. Continuous scroll also shows more content as you scroll, but in a more controlled way. This means you get a smooth experience without feeling overwhelmed by endless results.

Impact on Mobile Search

In October 2021, Google introduced continuous scroll for mobile devices. This change was made to improve how people search by letting them see more results without clicking through different pages. Users can just keep scrolling down to find what they need, making the search easier and quicker.

Desktop Rollout and Implications

Following the success of continuous scroll on mobile, Google extended the feature to desktop searches in December 2022. This update further streamlined the search experience, allowing desktop users to enjoy the same seamless scrolling as mobile users.


Changes in User Behavior

The introduction of continuous scroll significantly altered user behavior. Previously, users rarely ventured beyond the first page of search results. With continuous scroll, users were more likely to explore lower-ranking results, increasing visibility for websites that previously struggled to attract traffic.

Impact on Website Traffic

Websites that used to appear on the second or third pages of search results noticed more views and clicks. However, most people still didn't click on these lower-ranked links as often. This change helped spread out the traffic more evenly among different search results.

SEO Implications

The continuous scroll update had significant implications for SEO strategies. Websites that previously relied on ranking on the first page had to adapt to the new dynamics. SEO campaigns had to focus more on improving overall user engagement and less on achieving a top-ten ranking.

Google Search Console Reports

Following the rollout of continuous scroll, many websites observed dramatic changes in their Google Search Console (GSC) reports. Impressions increased, but clicks did not always follow suit. This discrepancy highlighted the need for more refined SEO tactics to convert impressions into clicks.

Mobile vs. Desktop Performance

The impact of continuous scroll varied between mobile and desktop searches. While mobile devices saw an initial drop in traffic, desktop searches experienced a more significant decline. User behavior was different on mobile and desktop. This difference affected how continuous scroll worked on each platform.

Adapting to the New Reality

As continuous scroll became the norm, websites had to adapt quickly. The focus shifted from merely ranking high to ensuring that content was engaging and relevant enough to capture user interest. This change required a more holistic approach to SEO and content creation.


Future Outlook

Looking ahead, continuous scroll will likely be a permanent feature of Google's search. As technology gets better, Google will keep improving how search results are shown and used. This means searching will become even easier and more efficient for everyone.


The introduction of continuous scroll for Google mobile search in October 2021, followed by its extension to desktop in December 2022, marked a significant shift in the search landscape. This update has had far-reaching implications for user behavior, website traffic, and SEO strategies. As we move forward, adapting to these changes will be crucial for maintaining and improving online visibility.

Final Thoughts

Continuous scroll has changed how we use search results. Although it presents some challenges, it also provides new chances for websites to gain visitors and keep them engaged. By learning about and adjusting to this change, businesses can continue to succeed in the constantly changing digital world.

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